Here are 3 tips to ensure you have a successful teeth whitening program:
1. Consult a Dentist
The number one tip is to first consult your dentist before engaging in a treatment plan. Although it’s easy and cheap to use home whitening kits, a trip to the dentist could save you problems and money in the long run. He can:
- Recommend the best DIY Whitening Kits
- Advice you how to whiten your teeth if you have veneers, fillings and crowns.
- Advice you if you need a professional in-office treatment, especially if you have dark stains or need immediate results
- Treat any gum inflammation or tooth sensitivity issues that are a common problem with teeth whitening procedures.
- He can prepare a special home-whitening kit just for you that have a custom-made tooth mold.
2. Use Gentle Products
If you decide to use home whitening kits, then it is best to choose a gentle product. Even though they may take several weeks to take effect, you will have fewer problems with inflamed gums and sensitive teeth. In addition, use the products in the recommended manner. For example, if the instructions tell you to place the whitening strips on your teeth for 30 minutes just follow the directions and don’t think you will whiten your teeth better by leaving them on for 3 hours or overnight. The wrong application of these products will only leave you in pain and you will regret the experience.
3. Avoid Overuse
It is easy to become obsessed with a whiter smile and continually use whitening products even after your teeth have changed color. If you have used a product and it has achieved its results within the recommended time frame, then stop using the product. Excessive use of teeth whiteners strips away the delicate tooth enamel and causes painful tooth sensitivity that makes eating or drinking hot or cold foods and drinks a nightmare.
If you have any questions call us or make an appointment for a friendly consultation. We will be very happy to discuss various options with you.
For more information or make an appointment contact us at (425) 493-8111 or contact us through our website
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